It is important to remember that a simulation model is only a means to an end. You've spent all this time creating it, now it is time to use it to support better informed, more effective decisions.


Scenario Analysis

Remember the questions you set out to answer way back when you defined your project objectives? A properly constructed scenario analysis plan will ensure that you can explore your model in an efficient manner to get all of the answers you need. We can help you develop and carry out the perfect scenario analysis plan for your project.


End User Training

In many cases, a simulation model is not a one-off exercise. Instead, it is intended for use on an ongoing basis. This usually means having at least two end-users (after all, people do move on and job titles do change). We have taught hundreds of students how to use simulation models of all types and have developed a curriculum that delivers exactly what end users need to know quickly and effectively. Besides, we have a great time with teaching, as we love a chance to get to interact with our clients.


Model Documentation

We love to write, especially about simulation (case in point: our 1000+ textbook, Learning SIMUL8). If you don't share the feeling, perhaps you'd like some assistance documenting your model? Whether you develop your own documentation or hire us, please do see that your model is documented in some form. Simulation models are so helpful as decision aids that they tend to be used by many people over long periods of time. It is important to document not only how to use the tool, but also the assumptions used and sources of input data.


Change Recommendations and Continuous Improvement

This, when you really stop to think about it, is where all simulation modeling efforts lead - or should lead, at least. The simulation-based decision support tool you have so carefully developed should be used to make recommendations so that the process can be continually improved. Even if we've not developed a model for you, we can help you identify what it is trying to tell you, so that you can make solid recommendations for bottom line improvement.