We use SIMUL8TM in virtually all of our projects (see why). If you would like to get started using SIMUL8 in your projects, you can purchase it online here, or call us directly at (800) 538-6394. Once you've received your copy of SIMUL8, don't forget to check out NovaSim's many training options.

SIMUL8's Basic edition is a great way to get started with simulation modeling. SIMUL8 Basic is more powerful than many competitor's highest-end editions and won't limit the new modeler in anyway. We think it is an incredible value. Need help choosing the right product for you? Check out our edition comparison chart, or better yet, give us a call.

Remember: Purchase SIMUL8 from us and you'll get not only 90 days of support from our experts but also a copy of our book, Learning SIMUL8: The Complete Guide. 

See a full list of SIMUL8 Features, then contact us to arrange a personalized web tour.